Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Oh My Malaysia

Oh My Malaysia. I love my country and so do I believe the rest of rakyat marhaen. This is the land I was given birth, growing up as a man and evolving as a human. The land I belong. The land that all races are sharing as granted in constitution. The land we are all belong. 

With the sense of belongings spirit, we are equally have the rights to say. The political landscape of late is prone to the uncertainties and unexpected. One time enemy can be friends and vice versa. I personally worry with what's going on in Malaysia. I'm not too fanatic to anybody neither I'm true politics analyst. But the news watching, the books and social media reading are my hobby and politics become my subject of interest.

The battle between the BN government and the groups opposing them seems no full stop to-date. I would rather use BN government instead of PM as such organization in majority back and support the PM. Some of them are merely apple polishers indeed. Truthfully, in the beginning I am fully supported all initiatives and transformations introduced and being implemented by the government, eventhough sometimes get confused with all the fancy short terms or acronyms used (ETP, EPP, NKRA, NKEA, 1M derivatives etc). Deep inside in my heart as normal citizen eagerly to see the prosperous Malaysia as true developed nation in 2020 as surely I will benefit from it. With the well-gong projects on the blueprint, I can't wait to experience the MRT, road traffic hassle free and hopefully bullet trains. While most importantly, the living to becoming more comfortable, convenience, affordable and easily can move around the country without fear. Insights tell me that the government have all that needed to propel forward. Comes to infamous topic of GST and the removing of some main subsidies, I opined that the present government have the strong political will that the previous government so fear of. Hat off. With the transformation program been laid off, we heard and read the good news of FDI flowing in continuously. Big China and Giant US invested in the country. Some acquire large shares of Malaysian companies. While the news of Malaysia conglomerates investing in other countries and taking part in overseas project are no more abnormal things to be heard. Proud of Malaysia. Participation of Malaysia in TPPA was illustrated as catalyst to become high income nation and developed country. 

All of the success stories of the present government portray Malaysia is on track to becoming developed nation by 2020. But are we really? Are we ready? Difficult question and most answers given will have political drive attachment. Rest assured, any government in the world can't run away from the problems and challenges. So do Malaysia. Some of the problems were happened and some were created, while some were internal and some were external driven. The in-control and out of control factors. Malaysia was tainted negatively worldwide with the accusations on infamous 1MDB fiasco and 2.6B. This is issues of integrity whereby any weak answers and flip flop explanations will surely expose more. Either related directly or just coincidences, a few Malaysia institutions were affected with the changes and removal of key personnel linked to the probe. Some claimed they were made in purpose. TSMY was axed as DPM and was suspended his No 2 position in UMNO. No surprise if he will be sacked from UMNO, sooner or later. Former premier TDM quits UMNO for second times in the history. On the peak of event, citizen declaration was launched on 4th March 2016 with TDM on the helm, in history that saw collaboration with the oppositions with the likes of Lim Kit Siang & Mat Sabu, with main agenda to bring down the PM and his loyal politics partner. First congress was held on 27 March 2016 at Shah Alam. What a surprise move by TDM and many still not believed. He is the man who believe every exit is an entry to somewhere else. 

I was once in the state that would like to ignore this politics matters as it was anti climax, the way I seen. Same like watching the boring film, the plot of story gets hiking up, idle for long time and then going down. But with the current situation, I would like to stay on for a while as the story start to picking up again and this time it might arrive to the peak. And it might not. My hope that regardless what happens, the nation and its citizen would not live in the fear modes. 

To think TDM comeback and fight due to personal reasons sometimes not to my personal logics extent. With 90s in age, why he really want to waste his remaining times going to the streets unless he is really thinks of the nation's future that he has put milestone. His 2020 legacy, of late been said is unable to achieve by some of government backbenchers. I will be very sad in Tun shoes to hear that. To think his comeback to make his son back on right path as future PM also seems nonsense to me. While some say his fight for his cronies businesses. Only god knows. TDM was also been portrayed as the man who succesfully brought down the predecessors and successors of Malaysia Prime Minister (except Tun Razak and his son - maybe not yet). He was also perceived as the man who shattered the dreams of most his DPMs during his tenure of PM. Anyway, these were only perceptions and assumptions mostly by peoples opposing him. Regardless what happens, I still have deep respect on him for his great contributions to this nation. The contributions that can be experienced realistically by me.  

I reckoned both TDM and PM are the real politics strategist. They both know how to play the game and move next. Seems like PM has learnt enough and well know his former boss. It is not easy to predict the game-changer. Who will lose and who will win? Rakyat marhaen surely get affected. 

In the same time, I would like to salute to both sides of die-hard supporters and backbenchers. We can see the loyalty values of them. Media is the medium to support this, be it in the mainstream media and social media. The cybertroopers are working very hard, some say they are paid handsomely. Some contents with solid proof and some only half-baked cookies. Defensive and offensive in nature. Facts and speculations in justifications. The perceptions created. I am really enjoy the readings.

I read both sides of version. Very interesting. Allegations were countered back. Some with strong proof. The data were collated, compiled and flashed made to infographic. Some made sense. The government cybertroopers seems have improving, they counter faster and with data. 

Some data can be manipulated to one's advantage. The master spinners spin data. Some part of statements were omitted when they were published. These are really happened with the bottom line agenda for political leverage. An excerpt in CSI drama series tell us 'people lies, follow the evidence'. That's true indeed. But some evidences were compromised and contaminated. 

The rakyat marhaen like me only want the nation with good shelter and shields from the weather uncertainties. Some quarters do not even bother the s**ts going on. For me, nothing else would matters if the authority can provide the following:

a. safety and security of nation and citizens.
b. freedom to exercise own religion teaching.
c. guarantee of jobs.
d. increased buying power.
e.firm and no apparent flip flop of government decision and statements.
f. principled government.

Do I feel that above requirements are fulfilled right now? What about others? What about the other layer of citizen who face difficulties to make ends meet everyday? What will the Gen Y thinks? What about the baby boomers? The answers lies with us. The answer will indicate our stand towards current situation. The answer that will translate into ballot box. For baby boomers and Gen X, pls provide two sets of honest answers, now and the then TDM era. Bottom line, problems to be solved and confidence to be stored. Respect to be earned not demanded. Integrity and transparency to be uphold.

Politicians are the man with ability to foretell what will happen tomorrow, next month, and next years and to explain afterwards why it did not happen. That was according to Winston Churchill. Politicians are human. We are all humans. PM, TDM, TSMY, LKS, government, oppositions were ain't god. We are not perfect and we making mistakes. We are not infallible. Be honest and throw away the hypocrites. Sometimes it is worthwhile to leave rather than to stay. To fight rather than to liptight. And for the fighters, the harder the conflict the more glorious of triumph. And I pray for the better Malaysia ahead. 

The cool and good old days

Friday, 18 March 2016

One Week Three Exits

Chelsea is the team and blue is the colour. This season ain't Chelsea champion season. In one week (past week), the team has exited three championships. Obviously there will be no silverware. The past week started with the 1-1 draw with Stoke City. The current standing placed Chelsea at 10th in the table, 9 points different with 5th place and 23 points different with to-be-crowned champions (hopefully) Leicester City. Surely exit of championship in BPL and unless miracles happened, there will be no Chelsea in next season European competition. Then the dreams to be crowned as UCL champion for second time in club history, shattered. Chelsea lost 2-1 to better side PSG in second leg round 16 at home, second exit in a week. To end the week with the win with two prior unconvincing games was tough task at difficult time. Finally the third exit came in as Chelsea lost to Everton by 2-0 in the FA Cup Sixth Round. GH dream to repeat FA Cup champion during his previous tenure gone. For GH, maybe you can try next time when Chelsea need transition period. And it was a game with Diego Costa been sent off for his 'love bite' incident. The charge was later dropped by FA as Barry insisted there is no such bite. Do not agree with GH that the guy need  to watch anger management film starred by Adam Sandler. Instead he really need the actual course on anger management. Hope one day he could convert his mass anger energy to superpower force to produce more goals rather than fouls. Roman Abramovich need to build back the winning team next season to be again feared off by other teams. 

When love and hate collide. And please believe I am not Suarez copycat. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Hari Gerhana (Eclipse Day)

Kebelakangan ini, fenomena gerhana agak kerap berlaku. Tahun lepas 2 kali gerhana bulan berlaku. Sesungguhnya kesemua kejadian alam mempunyai hikmah yang sangat besar bagi mereka yang berfikir. Hikmah yang paling besar menunjukkan Tuhan Maha Berkuasa, dialah mengaturkan perjalanan alam semesta dan segala makluknya. Bumi, matahari dan bulan sesungguhnya antara ciptaan tuhan yang sangat menakjubkan, tiada kuasa hanyalah selain daripada Tuhan Yang Esa. Gerhana juga adalah salah satu peringatan tuhan kepada hambanya supaya sentiasa bermuhasabah dan kita disunatkan untuk melaksanakan Solat Sunat Gerhana.

Petikan maksud gerhana (eclipse) daripada Wikipedia adalah seperti berikut:
"An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having another body pass between it and the viewer".

Lebih mudah diterangkan dan diingati melalui bentuk infografik seperti di bawah:

Masa zaman belajar di sekolah dulu, topik ni agak keliru untuk membandingkan antara gerhana matahari dan bulan. Tips of the day untuk adik-adik, gerhana matahari (solar eclipse) – bulan di tengah (SME), gerhana bulan (lunar eclipse) – bumi di tengah (SEM). S for Sun (matahari), M for Moon (bulan) and E for Earth (bumi). Moga-moga mudah faham dan mudah ingat.

Kerap kali perkataan gerhana sering dikaitkan dan sinonim dengan dugaan kesedihan dan kesusahan. Bukan di Malaysia sahaja tapi negara luar pun sama, istilah gerhana disasterakan sesuatu yang kurang baik. Lirik lagu Gerhana Cinta Luka (Iklim) pasal cerita orang yang putus cinta. Lirik lagu Eclipse Pink Floyd “And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon”. Manakala, lirik lagu Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler) “Once upon a time I was falling in love, But now I'm only falling apart, And there's nothing I can do, A total eclipse of the heart”. Semuanya berkisar tentang kisah duka dan sedih.

Walau apapun maksud gerhana dimetaforakan, ianya tidak seharusnya menjadi sebab untuk kita berduka di waktu gerhana matahari hari ini. Yang paling penting mengambil iktibar dari kejadian alam ni dan petanda supaya bersiap untuk menghadapi hari kiamat. 

Dalam masa yang sama, hari ni mungkin adalah hari yang paling bermakna bagi sesetengah orang. Ada yang sambut ulangtahun kelahiran, perkahwinan, naik pangkat dan sebagainya. Wife aku adalah salah seorang daripadanya, Happy Birthday Sayang, didoakan agar segala urusan dipermudahkan dan kita sekeluarga diberikan kekuatan dan kesabaran mengharungi segala ujian yang ditetapkan oleh Allah. 

Alhamdulillah dalam perjalanan ke ofis pagi ni, aku dapat melihat momen-momen indah gehana secara live. Sakit mata tak pakai filter. What a wonderful eclipses today! Allahu Akbar..

View from LATAR highway

View from Guthrie highway