Monday, 29 February 2016

Assalamualaikum 29 Februari 2016

Assalamualaikum By Faizal Tahir

Apa yang ku lihat ini?
Mengapa hanya video bunuh sana sini
Di kaca TV, dalam internet, di FB
Hanya darah dan air mata

Ramai yang hina agama ku
Terasa bakar di jiwa ku
Can't believe there are people like this!
Can't believe we are living like this!

Apa kita hanya
Terima sahaja?

Assalamualaikum Dunia
Bangunlah semua
Lihatlah pada diri kita
Semua serupa

Damailah manusia
Kita bersaudara
Assalamualaikum Dunia
Assalamualaikum Dunia

Damai pada dunia!

Warna kulit, kaum, asal usul
Jangan menilai hanya pada rupa
Adakah matamu
Mengatasi akalmu?

Satu untuk semua (Satu untuk semua!)
Semua untuk satu (Semua untuk satu!)
I believe we are better than this
We could all be better than this

Apa kita hanya berdiam sahaja?

Benar aku
Benar ku slalu bersalah
Selalu terleka
Dan ku sedari semua

Ampuni ku
Ampuni ku yang berdosa
Ku berubah hari ini untuk kamu

Assalamualaikum Dunia
Bangunlah semua
Damailah manusia
Kita bersaudara
Assalamualaikum Dunia
Assalamualaikum Dunia

Damailah manusia
Kita bersaudara
Assalamualaikum Dunia

Damailah pada kamu semua

Assalamualaikum dunia. Hari ini bukan hari yang biasa-biasa sahaja, hanya setiap 4 tahun sekali kita jumpa 29 Februari 2016. What a special day especially to those celebrate birthday and anniversary today. 

Lirik lagu Assalamualaikum ni agak simple tetapi bisa menjentik hati manusia. Walaupun melodi agak catchy, mesej yang hendak disampaikan adalah sangat besar. Sesungguhnya semua manusia itu adalah sama dan yang membezakannya adalah iman dan amal. Semuanya diciptakan oleh tuhan yang satu. Mengapa kita hendak bergaduh, hendak berperang sana sini? Because we all live under the same sun, we all walk under the same moon, then why, why can't we live as one? Lumrah manusia melakukan kesilapan. Yang penting kena sedar dan segera berubah. Tidak perlu memandang rendah kepada orang lain, peminta sedekah, orang fakir miskin. Pandanglah dengan kasih sayang. Selalulah kita insafi bila melihat umat manusia di luar sana yang hidup berperang dan dalam kedaifan yang amat sangat. Pandanglah mata hati.

Klip video rasmi (Official video) lagu Assalamualaikum ni menarik. Tapi persembahan Faizal Tahir masa Anugerah Juara Lagu 30 lagi sarat dengan mesej. Background video tunjuk pelbagai ragam manusia di serata dunia dan fokus utama peperangan kat Timur Tengah. 

Kat penghujung lagu tu memang sebak bila video tunjuk seorang kanak-kanak yang sangat istimewa ditanya oleh seorang lelaki (rasanya Faizal Tahir sendiri):

Faizal: How long haven't you eaten in?
Kanak-kanak: Two days.
Faizal: What would you like to eat?
Kanak-kanak: Bread.
Faizal: How long haven't you eaten bread in?
Kanak-kanak: A long time.
Faizal: Are you hungry?
Kanak-kanak: Yes.
Faizal: What are you eating now?
Kanak-kanak: We are eating grass.
Faizal: You're eating grass? Allah is the greatest. 

Mohon kita doakan sama-sama supaya umat Islam yang diuji di luar sana beroleh kekuatan luar biasa dan mendapat rahmat daripada Allah. Moga-moga juga umat Islam di Malaysia dan di luar sana yang hidup jauh lebih baik daripada mereka beroleh kekuatan untuk menyalurkan bantuan sewajarnya. Pasti sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui bagi sesuatu yang ditakdirkannya. Kadang-kadang air mata perlu gugur supaya hati rasa syukur. 

InsyaAllah jumpa lagi 29 Februari 2020, 4 tahun lagi di kala Malaysia sudah menjadi negara maju. Amin. 

Friday, 26 February 2016

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind is one of my all time favourite movie. Upon watching this film, it inspires me to work more harder and believe in miracles. 

The film is all about the genius John Nash, true story of the professor who won Nobel Prize for his contribution in mathematics and economics. It started with 1940s background where depicted John Nash played by Russel Crowe pursuing his study at Princeton University struggling to come out with the theory paper, which eventually he did succeed to qualify for doctorate. The way the character is build up in this film, portray himself as a genius, nerdy and psychopath. There is line in the movie that describe himself as born with two brains but half heart. To me, the way he derived the formulas by writing on the mirror was wonderful scenes in this film. Apart from the colleagues, he befriended with imaginary friends which were his prodigy roommate during campus time, secret agent upon he clinched doctorate and a girl. The plot gets thickens as he ''get involved" in government top secret, code breaking activities and Russian things via his imaginary secret agent. The delusions happened up to the stage of he cutting the newspapers pieces and search for code combination in newspaper in attempt to decoding codes. His wife which was his former student at MIT eventually found out his dark secret, together with his colleagues. They seek for specialist check and he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and delusions. It was indeed dramatics when his wife try to convinced him the real of existence, putting her hand on his heart and his hand on her face and said 'this is real'. Her wife also convinced him that all of his imaginary friends never gets old as his age grows, a girl remaining a girl and his prodigy roommate still remained in his 20s. Eventhough subscribed to the medication but the delusions still happening. He managed to have control over his mental state and returned as a lecturer to his alma mater Princeton University. He finally said bye bye to all of his imaginary friends comes on his way everyday and then. It was made to understand in real that he still assumed as professor in the university before he died of car accident at age 86 in 2015. 

From the eyes to the brain cells

How was the narrated movie inspire me at first place? It happens due to my hobby as a collector of great words and inspiration phrases. Such words were in this movie and one of the phrase I have kept as a guideline in works with regards to the teamwork. The lines was uttered in the movie when the struggled John Nash finally successfully triggered his brain cells to worked out his paper. 

The second inspiration was the true loyalty of his wife (in the film) to stand by her husband eventhough he had serious mental illness problems. That is great virtues of great wife. In real life, I have experience met a man with the schizophrenic problems during campus time, he can be easily seen as talking and reacting by himself to nobody but I was not sure his true level of genius neither where he is now. Importantly I learnt, that we should not be avoided to know with this special people which surely great experience will come upon us.