Thursday, 16 August 2012


Finally, ramadan comes to an end and syawal will turn up in a few days. We will miss ramadan and hoping all 'amal' and good deeds done accepted by Allah and will be giving chance for next ramadan, InsyaAllah. Aidilfitri 1433H and all muslims norm around Malaysia are having 'Balik Kampung' unique tradition. Talking bout balik kampung topic, I was touched when watching Bernas Hari Raya TV commercial which significantly awake peoples to appreciate the love value towards parents, family and friendships. This TVC value even amplifies me when the story connects to me: Segamat which is the journey destination is my hometown and I was an orphan before like the child (but never living in orphanage). The TVC entitled The Journey was a story of two orphans name Fizi and Ahmad living in orphanage who about to celebrate Aidilfitri lonely without almost of their colleagues and last minute plan for celebration at Ahmad's hometown. The former was blind boy while the latter was deaf boy with speaking impairment. As typical raya season, all tickets for buses and trains during festive eve were sold out which lead them to 'hitchhike' lorry driven by good samaritan. The commercial director successfully inserted emotional conflicts where the passers-by seeing these boys searching for tickets with disappointment not getting the tickets but still Fizi character remained enthusiasm and getting excited for raya. We seen no one of the passers-by approached and spoken to them. Also, the director seems intentionally create the taxi driver character which seems less sympathy towards the disabled orphan condition by requesting RM 10 for short distance as claimed, yet the director leave the questionnaires on how much the boy eventually paid or maybe getting FOC after Ahmad prompted Fizi to ask for 'Minta diskaun'. I strongly felt that I have been at the area especially the bus station and rail station. Checking thru internet, the commercial may took place somewhere at Gemas based on the phone numbers at bus counter. Yet again, the lorry driver dialogue mentioning 'Segamat banyak jauh tau' may leave another question on the actual place. Viewers may trapped in tremendous emotion to believe that Ahmad mother's still alive and they are about to visit her and celebrate aidilfitri at her house where ironically the twist ended with Ahmad was only visiting her late mother grave. I am sobbing seriously to watch the ending. Let's enjoy the commercial and see if you can hold the tears. 

Salam Aidilfitri 1433H. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Friday, 27 July 2012


Macam biasalah, di bulan ramadan ni, banyak stesyen tv yang menyiarkan drama sedih dan menyayat hati untuk dijadikan tauladan. Salah satu daripadanya adalah drama berjudul 7 Ramadan di TV3. Bukan isi ceritanya yang menyentuh kalbu aku tetapi judul ceritanya yang mengingatkan aku kepada kisah lama yang berlaku.

Ini kisah benar tentang persahabatan. Aku punya seorang kawan sekelas bernama Muhammad Izrin bin Ibrahim yang aku kenal semenjak masuk ke universiti. Hubungan aku dan dia boleh dikatakan akrab walaupun hanya selepas setahun menjalin persahabatan. Ade chemistry antara aku dan dia yang membolehkan kami berkongsi cerita dan masalah, studi sama2, dengar radio (masa tu ade slot cite hantu dan kisah benar di THR) sampai ke pagi, melewar di JB town, kerja part time sama2 dan banyak lagi. Housemate and classmate panggil Izrin ni dengan nama Jamal sebab masa tu dia bawak motor Kawasaki Kips macam dalam filem lama Jamal Abdillah (cerite Azura). Dia ni boleh dikatakan gila motor jugak sebab selalu test rempit dengan kawan2 tapi test suka2 jek tak sampai la tahap betting. Kereta pun dia bantai bawak laju jugak, member2 kate kene mengucap dulu sebelum naik kereta dengan dia. Hehe. Nilai yang baik pada Jamal ni dia adaptive to environment tak kire la geng2 surau ke, geng2 moderate ke ataupun geng2 hantu. Friendship aku dengan dia plus sorang schoolmate aku jugak telah menjebakkan kami ke dunia bisnes semasa universiti iaitu pesta konvokesyen. Dengan bantuan sebuah kedai sport kat Skudai, kami buka gerai jual pakaian dan barang2 sukan. Memang susah nak percaya dengan 3 hari berniaga sahaja, kitorang dapat RM 2100 untung bersih (bahagi tiga dapat la RM 700 seorang). Itu salah satu memori berharga aku bersama Jamal.

Memendekkan cerita, umur Jamal tak panjang dan meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan di bulan ramadan tahun 2002. Aku masih ingat dia pergi pada 7 Ramadan ketika umat Islam baru selesai berbuka puasa dan bersiap untuk solat Tarawih. Memori terakhir adalah di kala kami semua berbuka puasa bersamanya di rumah sewa dan dia sendiri mengagihkan kuih buah melaka kepada kawan2 sebagai juadah berbuka sejurus sebelum Jamal meninggalkan rumah sewa untuk kembali ke kolej. Jamal terlibat kemalangan apabila motornya bertembung dengan sebuah van yang nak masuk simpang dan meninggal dunia di pangku sahabat ketika dalam perjalanan ke HSA di dalam ambulanks. Aku sempat bersama arwah ketika dia dalam keadaan koma dan sedang dirawat di klinik berdekatan sebelum ambulans datang. Darah di kepalanya yang melimpah membuatkan doktor klinik pun panik untuk memberikan rawatan awal. Satu episod yang sangat menyedihkan apabila keluarganya dari Melaka sampai ke hospital dan dimaklumkan Jamal dah meninggal dunia, tak dapat digambarkan tangisan dari mak bapak arwah yang sangat menghibakan. Serombongan bas dari universiti memberikan penghormatan terakhir kepada arwah yang dikebumikan di bumi kebanggaan arwah, Jasin Melaka.
Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarham Muhammad Izrin bin Ibrahim. Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama golongan orang yang beriman. Moga2 keluarga arwah dah kembali pulih dan tenang selepas 10 tahun pemergiannya. Amin.

Monday, 23 July 2012


Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan datang lagi tahun ini dan sekali lagi kita diberikan peluang untuk beribadat kepada Allah dan menyempurnakan amalan yang hanya diperoleh setahun sekali sahaja. Kesyukuran kepada yang maha agung kerana hanya dengan kurniaannya keampunan bisa dipanjatkan di dalam bulan yang mulia ini dan menyucikan hati yang kotor. Bila aku bermuhasabah, besar benar rezeki yang tuhan telah kurniakan kepadaku, ahli keluargaku dan sekelian umat manusia. Ramai yang tidak berpeluang bertemu dengan ramadhan, dan ramai juga yang tidak sempat menghabiskan bulan ini (seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini). Aku bersyukur...
Ramadhan kali ini aku tetapkan beberapa sasaran untuk dipenuhi. Tahun-tahun yang lepas, tak pernah aku register officially sasaran hanya berbisik di dalam hati. Tapi tahun ini, memandangkan aku pun dah mula berblogging, aku pun write n register untuk menguatkan lagi azam aku mencapai sasaran ditetapkan. Pertamanya, pengisian ramadhan di siang hari dengan aktiviti mendengar ceramah agama, membaca Al-Quran dan meneliti tafsirannya. Keduanya, pengisian ramadhan di waktu malamnya dengan solat terawih dan solat sunat. Tahun-tahun sebelumnya solat terawih aku masih banyak yang lopong dan sukar dipenuhi dek pengaruh hawa nafsu. Ketiganya, sasaran untuk bertemu dengan Lailatul Qadar dan beramal ibadat di malam ini yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan. Rasa-rasanya dalam seumur hidup aku, masih belum berjumpa dengan malam ini, selalunya mesti miss dan bila bangun pagi dengar orang-orang tua dan kawan-kawan bercerita berjumpa dengan malam ini, rasa semacam frust jek. Dan yang keempat dan terakhir, untuk mengurangkan berat badan aku. Pada 1 Ramadhan 1433H, berat aku adalah 85.5 kg dan target untuk turun kepada 80 kg. Adakah berjaya??
Dalam mengaplikasikan pendekatan muhasabah dan check n balance, setelah habis bulan Ramadhan, aku akan hantar posting tentang pencapaian aku terhadap sasaran yang ditetapkan di atas. Kita akan lihat samada istiqamah dan konsisten boleh dikekalkan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini dan dipanjangkan kepada bulan-bulan yang lain. Selamat datang Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1433H.

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Titanic have been my favorite subject since 1998 when I watched alone the movie directed by James Cameron. The 'Cathay' theater was not big but significantly lived up the small city of Segamat at that time. Least attracted and affected from the lovemaking scene of the leading actor and actress in the film, I was really touched with the greatest maritime disaster in history. The story of Titanic indirectly inspired me to enroll for marine engineering studies in tertiary education. The growing of internet during the study time allowed me to get exposed of what is really happened to Titanic, the facts, the assumptions, the myths and the unrevelation. Not mentioned the jokes made that lookout Frederick Fleet at crow nest was more concentrated peeping the love scene of couple at forward deck of the ship that resulted he overlook sighted the iceberg in advance. Haha. Titanic story also attracted me to made the final project in university related to the sinking ship. Herewith I written the Titanic stories with referring to the source from internet, movies and documentaries....
Titanic prior departure
RMS Titanic is the most historical ship for all the time. Inception and built in Harland and Wolf Shipyard, Belfast, Ireland, she set sailed maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 10 April 1912. She was 269.06 meter in length, 28.19 meter in breadth and 10.54 meters in draught with 52,310 tons. Powered by two-reciprocating four cylinder steam engines and low-pressure turbine altogether driving three propellers which propelled the ship at maximum 21 knots. Liverpool which name tack welded at transom is her port of registry. During cruising at 375 miles south of Newfoundland, she hit an iceberg at 11.40 pm 14 April 1912. The damage incurred was tremendous resulted the starboard hull plate buckle inwards and permitted the floodwater occupied the space of several watertight compartments. Approximately two hours and forty minutes, she remained afloat before the infamous 'unsinkable ship' sank. 710 survived while 1,514 lost lives as it was claimed for the lack of lifeboat provided onboard. 

 The maiden voyage and location of incident

Resting deep down in North Atlantic Ocean, Titanic was the most talk-about topics generations by generations. 2012 remarks 100th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic. The series of discovery were made since 1985 to unearth the true stories and what went wrong during the incident. 1985 discovery shown that the ship broken into two pieces where the bow and stern sections were 600 meter separated. While, 2010 well-equipped technological discovery significantly transformed the incidents and conditions into explanation and revelation. Many mysteries solved and bad reputation of Titanic as flaw ship was restored as the greatest ship built at that time. The fact that Titanic capable remained afloat for more than two hours was remarkable when comparing to the other maritime disaster in 20th century. The 2010 discovery by RMS Titanic Inc to commemorate 100th anniversary deployed the sophisticated ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) appox 3,700 meters deep down to gather more significant information. As a result, complete sonar map was made which covers all angles of the ship pieces and debris laid on the seabed. The discovery also revealed that the previously claimed the weak hull rivet which contribute the plate to give way also denied. It was suggested that collision force during struck to the iceberg was really tremendous on the calm night of 14 April 1912 that resulted to the sinking. Eventhough the claimed 21 knots ship speed during the incident is questionable, it was clarified that it was the standard practice of the ship maintaining full speed at that time at a fair sea state.
For the curiosity minds, you should visit

Friday, 13 April 2012

Blow-by in a car engine

This is the symptoms of blow-by found in a car. Simply put, the wear on the piston rings and cylinder liner allowed the gas mixtures pass the piston into crankcase. The gases plus the unburned fuel may also dilute the engine oil and thus impacting the lubrication of the engine. The ineffective of the compression will resulting the inefficient combustion, less horsepower produced and loss of fuel economy. It may cause the crankshaft and camshaft seal give way resulting from the overpressure crankcase. Engineering lessons demonstrates the solution for the over pressure crankcase into providing the crankcase breather and positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) normally discovered in automotive cars. The defects on the piston sealing towards liner wall to be fixed in first place to avoid greater damage. The breather or ventilation however unable to sustain to the extent of larger amount of blow-by gases due to greater gaps between cylinder liner and piston.

Friday, 3 February 2012


Welcome again 32. Welcome new 30!!!!
32 is paramount number in my life. 30 is significant number this year indicating third decades Allah has given life chances to me to succeed in the world and hereafter. Alhamdulillah..
What was lying behind the birth day?? Remembering always and no forgetting. To me, it is an important day to be remembered through out our life span, be it during child time, teenage, adults, and afterwards it called old. This indicating our presence to the world after the beloved sacrificial mothers delivered us with cries. It is about sacrifice. It is about new hopes.
Wow.. a big day to me today. My sweetheart wife for the past 10 years been the first to wish. My mother did too afterwards (she never forget every year!!). Remembered along was memory kept in my head where my late father would never missed out celebrated my birthday with cake and present from child until 12 years old. The photos of birthday celebration reminded me to him. Now that all photos were gone with floodwater damaging Segamat couple years ago but the pictures in my memory were well kept. I love you, abah.
Significantly on 32 I launched my first, second and third post in my blog. A good start for me in writing passions which had long time pending. Now that only to keep the momentum going and do not let the passion dies. 
Happy birthday to me...What a lovely day today...


Call me Benhashimi in open sky world. Born in Selangor and grew up at Johor at place name Segar Amat (Very Fresh). I spent almost 24 years ‘trapped’ in Johor even though two times I got good opportunities to run away. I am proud alumni of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Bukit Hampar Segamat and SMKA Segamat. While, tertiary education in Skudai, Johor taught me engineering lessons and I finally grabbed a piece of paper as a ticket to work for first job at Johor (again!). And after that I start exploring out of Johor to Selangor the land of my birth. From center point of the nation I moved upwards to Penang to find myself in works. Spending time at northern 42 months, married with Kedahan and where my first kid was born. Then, I moved again to the point of origin at center zone.
On family matters, my late father always asked me during my child time, who will I become in future? My answers always consistent - doctor, doctor, doctor. To the question what will I buy for him when I grow up, I replied it would be car and house. I learn values to the questions he posed to me as to remind me from early age the importance of having dreams and setting up strategies to materialize it. I missed him a lot although only 13 years he was alongside care for me but he always reside in my heart. Then, my mother took up at helm in family ship and a lot of sacrifices she made enduring the big wave in every day’s life. Thank you Allah for making my mother patience enough in raising me and siblings. While, the strong person backed for me is always my sweetheart wife – first met her at McDonalds PKNS Shah Alam. Surviving and sharing life together to date is an achievement where the stretch target would be dunia akhirat together forever. And here I am which always strive in bringing lot of happiness and sustainable excellence for me, families, friends and others.  


Several names laid in me from the state I was crawled as a baby till I walked as a man. Names been called but I remained myself in physical form of success-driven person. Through the years, I carry forward the passion of write things and now I make the dream starts alive. Blogging is milestone for me to write things and share with others the absolute view of mine with regards to the issues on nationwide and worldwide happenings, day to day findings, engineering-based interests and socio politics matters. Amateur I am in writing and professional writer I am aiming on and therein Benhashim writes………